Saturday, December 27, 2008

Asher update :-)

Apparently Asher is not a fan of monkeys :-)

"while I took the photos, clothes, and tape recorder and gorilla to ashefni. He was not fond of the gorilla he threw it away. But he is such a happy baby and so chunky and fat. I love it. I just hugged him. I love it. He is also walking did you know that??? Oh my goodness. yes, I have been in your place as a waiting parent as you may know. So, as I have done before I got pics and I got a little of him trying to walk. He actually loves you all talking to him. Another baby tried to grab his tape recorder and he snatched it. I said he is already like hey this is my family man!!! Again he is so precious."


nancy said...

aren't you so glad you sent that recording?????

Our Journey to Ethiopia said...

Yes I am! Thank you SO mcuh for the idea:-)