Wednesday, May 13, 2009

The roller coaster

Just when we think things are going smoothly and life is good, the roller coaster of life goes over the next big hill and throws your stomach into your throat.

We were informed on Monday the 11th that all adoption cases involving children that have been found abandoned, are being halted until further notice. The government in Ethiopia has found evidence of possible fraud with abandoned children. There is concern that some of these children have been taken or sold, so an investigation is underway to sort out what is going on. All we know is that this could be days, weeks or even months before we have a new court date.

Thus the throat in the stomach comment earlier.

Please pray that this gets resolved quickly and Asher & Olivia stay safe and healthy.

1 comment:

nancy said...

You KNOW I understand EXACTLY what you are feeling..... It was almost Exactly one year ago this happened. It will work out (this is where the faith part comes in)